Thank you for creating the logo so quickly. I really love the design. I have a real estate team where we have signs in yards and we have business cards.
So far I have ranked your design as number one.
I need to be able to put the logo/design on a real estate sign with my name and the name of my broker. There are certain rules that I have to abide by. Can I send you an example of a sign and send you the rules that we have to abide by? The most important thing with the sign is to have my name and my phone number extremely visible and easy for people to see.
thanks for the ranking, I will be working on the design as the contest progresses. I'll convert it to a sign with borders with prominent room for a phonenumber and a broker's name. Should I use dummy information or do you want the real phonenumber and broker's name posted?
As there are certain dimensional requirements for your logo, it's best to post an example on the contest page along with a comment in the section below the entries, so all designers know how or where to place the information. You can simply take any sign you find online and select the option that you don't hold the copyrights to the image. If you have any trouble uploading the image you contact the logotournament team.