I really love your designs. I need to print real estate signs that are 30x24 that are placed in the front of homes. I am interested in the first tree perhaps being in the back ground like a screen print where my information is over it so that it can be screen printer friendly.
Can you create a sign for my real estate company that would be 30x24 dimensions with the logo on top my name and phone number, email and website in the middle and my company name and company phone number at the bottom. It is extremely important that people can read my name and my contact information since they are driving past the sign.
Can you change your oak tree to be more rounded out like an older oak tree. I love the tree you have but it doesn't have the right shape of an oak tree. Something more round than wide. Thanks!
Is it possible for you to create a version of 120. I would like my name to be more prominent on top with it being in brown and a version with my name being on the bottom. Please remove connect.serve.contribute so that it is cleaner.