ketut - thank you for designs 7-12. entries 7 & 8 come the closest. some important notes: primary pieces of our logo must stay mostly in place - the line between O'Halloran and International, our color (pandone 541), keep our fonts somewhat close to the current ones, and double check the capitalization and sizing scale differences between O'Halloran and International, also change the font color for 'OHalloran International' to black?.
on designs 7 & 8 could you make a couple changes - take the 'th' off behind the 30 and add the line in between the words "O'Halloran" and International? could you use a cursive font for the 30 years: Driving you forward? could you take the orange out and substitute with either a grey or blue that is in the family of pantone 541? in addition to trying to match the current font, could you change the words 'OHalloran International' to black?