Better - two variations, one, can we remove the leftmost one of the three squigleys so there are two left on the logo; two,, can we replace the logo with an atom logo with only two circles (layers) around the atom.
I didn't actually see your latest comment until now..... see what you think of this one. I'll try to come up with an atom idea if I have enough time...
sorry I wasn't able to get it in time..... If you'd like to extend for a day I'd be happy to do it, it's right here on my artboard......
I'm not sure if I can show you changes unless I'm in first position now that the contest is over. LogoTournament rules, however if you'd like to put me in first temporarily so I can submit a couple of changes, I can do it
by the way, which font treatment do you prefer - the serif font or the more modern sans-serif ??