Craig I really like the fonts and feels of #30 and #29. Could you maybe change the colors of 30 to a more black/gunmetal/silver tones with the slogan in more of a gold/wheat color. thanks for getting back-i really like where #30 is going..
That is definitely the color scheme I was thinking about...I am not sure what I think about the rigid rectangular feel of all of these. I like the formality but might want a bit more creativity or abstract feel. I know that is a bit contradictory to the feedback i gave to all of the artsy/web 2.o feeling entries I got earlier. But I would like to find something in between? I like your style but am not sure i like the text directly below a square box. This logo will not be centered on the titlebar of the page and would like it to have some non symmetric aspects. THANK YOU CRAIG
Thanks for the update Ben, I think I understand where you're coming from. I've tried a few more options a little less symetrical. This one has a subtle financial flavour with abstract coins.
I like that..along the coin theme-what about an abstract sundial or lighthouse or some guiding metaphor...I really appreciate all the work you've put into this craig. Hope we can get a winner!
could you make the city scape larger (wider) and move the text up over it in a way that it appears to be coming behind the text..not sure i like the gold stuff
could you make the text of "NW ECONOMY" larger in relation to the buildings and move the buildings down a bit in relation to the text. Would maybe just like the top line of the buildings instead of having them be filled with color.
Just checking Ben, do you want the wording to still be in a solid panel? And do you just want an outline of the skyline instead of solid? Couple more thoughts attached...
I really like #114...i am not sure i have direct feedback as to what exactly I'd like to see changed but feel free to tinker around with it. I like the feel of having the text somehow oriented to the side or more horizontally in relation to the image instead of directly below. check out the logo to see what i am talking about. i really like having them side by side. can we tinker with this? I LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING CRAIG, thanks for your help!
maybe make the visual part of the logo skinniern-taking like a 1/3 slice from the middle of the skyline and then moving the text to the right in a beige/khaki color?
No worries Ben, I've had a play around with a few ideas. Let me know if I'm on the right track or what particularly takes your fancy before I keep going.
Also meant to mention that the split colour is meant to symbolise the water in front of the city...... If you like any of these in particular I could try some various colour combos.
I really like #134. However I would like to see some different fonts used for "NW ECONOMY"-I dont really like that typeface or how it looks right now. part of me likes the cursive of the slogan but i would also be interested in seeing some different fonts down there to just to look at. Thanks for all of your work craig.
i like the red of #114 more than #134..more red and less maroon maybe.however i do like the overall layout of 134 better, something about that red i just don't really like. could you also make a comp of this same layout but in place of the red a soft blue! thank you Craig
Craig I love #146! I like the color scheme and it just feels really clean and crisp. I also really like the font compared to the others used. CAN WE STICK WITH THIS DESIGN!! I'd be interested in seeing it with some color variations with a browner khaki, and also maybe with the red just for reference. feel free to try any color combinations you'd like! thanks craig
Here's a few various options for you. The latter two I've given the feel of the water in front of the skyline. I'll add that third building option in just a tick!
I'm happy you're liking this one, I also love the clean, crispness of it. Very easy to apply to any medium. I was going to add gradients / shines etc but I don't think it needs it.
in respect to 156..could we fill in the buildings with the lighter brown (for instance that from 146) and leave the "sky" white and see how that looks?
Its not necessarily going over that picture, but was an idea that I you think we could try it with a ya more mahogany brown combined with some sort of green where the blue is. and maybe the same lighter kahki with a green. and any other color combo you might like. we are definitely getting there!!
Thanks craig. I REALLY like these-at this point it's trying to make the last subtle tweaks, so maybe talking "outloud" might help you out a little bit. This is by far my favorite design but something strikes me as a bit "soft" about it in relation to number 3..or maybe not quite as authoritative. I am concerned as this is ultimately going to be a website that older 30+ males will be frequenting for trustworthy economic insight that this might seem too artsy or not authoratative enough. I am open to any tweaks you might be able to think of either color wise or anything else. I do like the darker brown-can we try that with the blue? As i said I dont have any specific advice but would be interested to hear your reaction and see if you could come up with something...
Hi Ben, I 100% understand and I think the key lies in the use of the colours & tints. I think perhaps the 'pastel' tones aren't authoritive enough for this business type logo. I've put up a few new versions with some stronger, bolder colours which I peronsally think instantly gives a more formal, authoritive look. I've also thrown in a version with a 'chunkier' font. What do you think?
thank you for the comps! I must say I still like those two best...could we try that lighter green with a lighter brown (instead of the dark) just to see it as a comparison. I also really like this type font as opposed to the bolder one we just tried...THANK YOU CRAIG. we are very very close i think
also how large of an image file is this that you're working on? i would like this logo to have the potential to be BIG and maintain it's image quality...
I really like this green with the lighter brown. Re: the final files, I will supply you with both an EPS file and JPEG file. The EPS can be scaled as large as you need it..... it could go on a building and still be perfect quality! The jpeg is more for on screen uses. I can give you both the green and blue version if you want.... they may both suit diffferent uses. Also I supply a greyscale version which you may want for basic printing. Let me know if you have any queries.
craig i really like the light brown and green..could we experiment with removing the slogan and putting a lowercase ".com" above and to the right of ECONOMY, maybe over the MY. I am afraid it will be too much with the slogan there also but am also interested in just seeing how it looked. maybe with the .com in non bold lower case with comps of it in brown and the green? thank you craig!! hope you're having a great weekend
Hey Ben, sorry for delayed reply.... just been out and about for my birthday! Here are various options for you as requested. Let me know if you require any other tweaks. Cheers, Craig
No worries, happy birthday! I would like to see the .com above in a bit smaller font to see how that looks (both with and without the slogan) I am worried about it looking too busy so im not sure both are going to look good..i dont think i like the below with the different type face. Could you also just throw the NW above the economy in one comp-its a shot in the dark but i at least wanted to take one look at it. thank you craig!
No probs Ben..... new versions submitted. I actually like the NW above, I almost did it earlier but thought it was too much of a longshot! Let me know what you think.
THANK YOU CRAIG! I think this is definitely the exact layout i like the best. Do you think you could experiment with the NWECONOMY letters being slightly larger than they are now, maybe in varying increments bigger for me to take a look at?