I like the colors of the logo. Unique design. I would like to see some more designs that incorporate nutrition and fitness from you if possible. Also, if you could add the tag line under entry # 11 look great,,,feel great,,,perform great. I am just curious to see how that looks. Thanks for your time.
Entry #17 is a very cool concept. I like the lettering, colors and tag line. I like what you did with the N. If you have any other ideas that would represent fitness I would like to see it. A strong logo! Thanks again for your time.
I like entry #30. Very creative, thanks. Keep going along that line with some different variations on the shape of the arm for the N. Very cool. I really like your entries# 14, 17 and 32 as well! I thought #32 and #17 were the same at first, but now I can see the difference in the detail. I appreciate your time.
For logo #30 I would like to see some other variations for the arm and biceps in "N". I really like logo #30 as it captures both fitness and nutrition. Also, if you have any other ideas behind a creative representative of nutrition for logo #30 besides the leaves I would like to see that too. One last thing. I would like to see how logo #17 and logo #30 look without the tag line "look great...feel great...perform great" and without the underline. Thank you for your time. I really like the creativity behind your logos.
Hello Dear Tismir, Thank's a lot for your interesting... I was upload some revition hopeness you like.pleasure for other revition that you need.. Thank You
Thank you for getting the revisions back to me so quickly. I would like to see entry #30 without the leaf and add the apple design from entry #77 to entry #30. Appreciate it.