How about putting the elipse around Marketing & Branding Be Heard. Then make the sphere larger and put NTS in the sphere. I think that would be interesting.
Also, I want the eye drawn more to Marketing than to branding since that is the service I will emphasize.
# 65: Change the sphere to all blue gradient. Make the NTS slightly smaller and put the sphere in orbit along the elips around Marketing & Brandsin/Be Heard.
Make the eliptical path green and Be Heard orange.
Make Marketing & Brandsin/Be Heard to be the same size and layout as in #61.
#66 - I like the NTS sphere on this one. I like Marketing & Branding as 1 color, but change it to Navy blue. I like Marketing being slightly larger than Branding (the way you ahve it now).
Can you make the NTS Sphere on the elipse and the elipse go around the rest of the logo? THis is sort of what I was thinking, but more in the style you ahve here:
I'd like to see something different done with BE HEARD. Try making it red and having sound waves coming out of it like # 87 & 88 (can you see those?). You would have to change the color of the dot on the eye if you did this.