I really like 14,15 but I like different things about each one.
-In 15 I like that there is not a circle around the city but I don't like the color of the wording I really would like to see it in black with different colored accents around the black lettering. -On 14 I like the shadow underneath the name. -On 13 I don't like the .com where it is or the full circle.
Also 16 has a lot of potential... I don't like the font for the N, but I like the way the name stands out. I like the black background.
Can you make some changes to number 16 so we can get a different feel. Can you change the font for the N still leave it fancy font but more readable. Leave it that size and color though! Can you take out the lines above the cityscape and replace those with a crescent moon and maybe in another one replace the lines with stars. We like the font of thecity, so leave that!
I still dont like either of the fonts for the N and I think the moon is to big is there anyway we could make it stronger. Or you can think of any other thing to put behind above cityscape lol
I really like the strobe lights coming off of the city on #39 but maybe two Big strobe lights would look better crossing in the sky above the city scape. Don't cross the strobes in front of the moon.
Leave that style moon like in #35
I like the stars and moon on #35, leave that but I am looking for a fancier N. Like #16 it is fancy but it almost looks like a squiggly line or a sideways M.
Make dot for .com a twinkling star too.
Make it so the city words is a on top of the bottom of the city scape picture. So that no part of the "thecity is covered like in #39
I like the shadow of the other building behind the white buildings like in #39.
I kind of like Rage Italic and Everett Steele's Hand Regular font for the N, or if you can find something similar to that.
hi, iam so sorry for the late sir..My computer was damaged and had just finished repaired by technicians update #56 #57 hope you like it...feel free to give an feedback again :)
about the strobe lights coming off of the city it's my idea first, i see de_signer74 use that too!
Alright good work! So I really like #57 and #58 but switch the n on both of those to the n from #16!
On #58 I like the red buildings but instead of the dark gray buildings behind the red can you do the white, brighter building like the same color as most of the single cityscapes if that makes any sense. ?
And is there anyway to dot the i in the city. with a twinkle.
Can you spread the twinkling stars out more above the city scape so that they are not overlooked. Not a lot of them but just more so you notice them!
I was also wondering if you are able to change one building in the cityscape. I don't like the second building in from the left. I just want you to replace it with another building, not one that looks like a fondue pot. ; )
OK with your original idea of the spot light I think that is is too thick and dark all the way through. Can you thin it out more and fade out much more. I also don't agree that fact the they are perfectly symmetrical, so maybe having one higher then the other. And possibly spread out more from each other.
A few less stars but they look great.
And I do not know if you can do this but on #73 can you outline the dark gray background city in red, instead of filling the whole thing. Or maybe giving it some red highlights.
NO no I want the spotlights to fade from the inside/ to the out not shorter. Just brighter on the inside and as you get further out have it fade. Because on a regular spotlight it will be bright closer to the bulb but as you get higher in the sky it fades out gets less brighter.
I like the red color behind the city scape on #83 so leave that!
ohhh iam so sorry, forgive me for my mistake..i had try my best but my english not to good update #99 #100 #101 if still wrong can you browse at google.com and if you see the right spotlights like you wishes you can give the link and i will make it for you, once again iam so sorry sir..
I like #83 the best as far as spot lights go there a couple more requests I have. But for the single spotlight on the far left can you fade it out towards the top.
Can we make the moon a little smaller and look like it is further away. Like more distant but keep the same shape. I just want to see how it looks.
For the .com can we shrink that star just a bit.
The star above the i needs to be centered above the i. I very little bit to the left.
Can you take away some of the stars in the sky please!
The star above the i is still not centered now it is too far left!
The spot lights are taking to much attention away from the logo they need to be less brighter. And I do not like the one on the far left being straight up and down. I like it slanted to the left! And also the second one in extends too high and too long need to be about same height as the rest.
Can you also try these fonts for the N, Rage Italic and Everett Steele's Hand Regular, we want to see other options. Please!
Nice ha ha well be around tomorrow for final updates and if this is the one we go with tomorrow will you be around for any later updates down the road and can you put it in vector format!
what you mean in vector format?? do you want a vector file from my design? vector file can be uploaded after contest end and if you choose my design to be a winner..