Will you shade the red part of the 'O' to be like your mockup #266? For graphic purposes we like the shading. I'll check back later and then select your print as the official winner!!! :) :) Congratulations!!!
Congratulation on being our number one!! So many awesome designs came in but our eye kept coming back to yours!
We were hoping we could ask for one small tweak. Would you mind changing the 'Nowell' serif font to a serif font that also has an end stroke on the top left side of the N? We just think the 'N' looks a little wobbly! Haha!
Thank you , and you really did a fantastic job on this!!
This is continually on our top favs! The detail inside the O is so striking!! Might we be able to see a draft with Nowell only in a thin(ish) serif type font. Sometimes I'm a fan of the combination of serif and sans serif, and I'm just curious! Thanks Grace!
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Will you shade the red part of the 'O' to be like your mockup #266? For graphic purposes we like the shading. I'll check back later and then select your print as the official winner!!! :) :) Congratulations!!!
Congratulation on being our number one!! So many awesome designs came in but our eye kept coming back to yours!
We were hoping we could ask for one small tweak. Would you mind changing the 'Nowell' serif font to a serif font that also has an end stroke on the top left side of the N? We just think the 'N' looks a little wobbly! Haha!
Thank you , and you really did a fantastic job on this!!
This is continually on our top favs! The detail inside the O is so striking!! Might we be able to see a draft with Nowell only in a thin(ish) serif type font. Sometimes I'm a fan of the combination of serif and sans serif, and I'm just curious! Thanks Grace!
Would you be able to make this logo with a thinner font for 'Nowell' and the rooftop? We really like your creative roof and chimney!!