I like the smaller mortar and pestle. But the oval looks crowded with both designs in it. Can you come up with other ways to arrange the image- even though I said I want it in an oval. Maybe a larger circle with the mortar & pestle in the center and Nourish arcing over it? Or maybe not contained in a round shape at all.
Still interested in the mortar and pestle but think it looks too plain without the embellishments. Could you make the pestle thinner on the original #139? Any maybe just have the embellishment on the top line, rather than top and bottom?
Is it possible to turn #156 into a pen and ink (handrawn) looking outline in black ink over a white background, rather than a perfect geometrical shape such as the outline in #59?
Thanks so much for the revisions! Love #235, would like to see a different font for the tagline. A font that stands out a little more, similar to the tagline on rank #3 & rank #2. Also, would like to see the image in a bright orange shade, red, and bright blue.