Can you change the "leaf" element that surrounds the cross to have a jagged, spikey edge (similar to how a marijuana leaf's segments have the saw-toothed edge), and try a version with two smaller "leafs" with spikey edges, on either side of the base of the existing leaf. The slight 3-d effect of the shadow is very nice, and if the 3-d feel could be enhanced in anyway, that would be great.
Also, the lettering on #32 has a beautiful color scheme, but can you slightly enlarge "natural care" (perhaps 10% - 15%) and use a light shade of green for the "natural care"? And for the "leaf" element, can you try shades of green as well?
Thanks for the quick reply, its moving in the right direction!
On #34, the jagged edge has too many small saw-teeth. Can you slightly increase their size and reduce the number of them? And for the coloring on the leaf element, can you change the brown portion to a different shade of green?
The color of the lettering is great, but "natural care" is smaller than it was. Please increase the size of "natural care" to be slightly larger in proportion to "northwest" than the lettering in #33 and #32.
I like the way #35 is headed, but the edge of the leaf isn't quite right. The spikes need to be pointy-er and the "leaf" itself needs to be slimmed somewhat (we want it to invoke the look of the top segment of a 5 or 7 segmented marijuana leaf - without it actually being a marijuana leaf). That, and the addition of the two smaller leaves flanking the base.
For the yellowish portion of the leaf element, can we try another shade of light green instead?