On #4, can you alter the leaf to be slightly more similar to a marijuana leaf (without actually being a marijuana leaf), as in a leaf with five or seven segments that are a little pointy-er? And perhaps some slight highlights of red or orange to go with the purple? We'd like the "leaf" imagery to imply subtly "marijuana" without being overt.
Also, can we see the lettering in light earth tone colors?
Also, in regards to #4, can you make the leaf element appear more three-dimensional as it leaves his hand and wraps around? The small figure would appear to be "behind" the leaf.
Also, if the leaf were a shade of green different from the figure (instead of purple), with possibly purple, red, or orange to highlight the edges of the leaf (but only small amounts of these other colors).
Thanks for you submissions so far, but we're heading in another direction. We'd like to see a new concept from you, incorporating a 3-d feel and a color scheme of shades of green and burgundy or maroon. We appreciate your time so far, hope to see more from you.