This is a rough draft.
Now I see that "R" can work also as "N" letter better than the big shape as N.
Let me know if you wish to play more with the icon, color, and text, as I uploaded in the last seconds of the contest.
The icon it's a combination of letters "N" (the big shape) "C" darker blue and "R" lighter blue.
So rather than using the all three letters separate, I've combined them into one icon.
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Now I see that "R" can work also as "N" letter better than the big shape as N.
Let me know if you wish to play more with the icon, color, and text, as I uploaded in the last seconds of the contest.
The icon it's a combination of letters "N" (the big shape) "C" darker blue and "R" lighter blue.
So rather than using the all three letters separate, I've combined them into one icon.