Thank you so much for your excellent submissions, it was very close, but our client has gone with a different logo. Thank you for your time and talent!
Hey @acipefri I really like what you did here. By sliding it over to the left, it looks more balanced, the checkmark is more centered, but also... I can see the letter N, but I also see the letter W as if it's being hidden by the circle, which is pretty cool.
I have a crazy idea. It may not work, so don't feel obligated to try it. But, what if you chopped the right side of the circle so it looks like a C (for career)? And what if you made it the same weight as the checkmark? I'm a designer too and sometimes I think of stuff and then hate it when I try it. :)
But in my mind, I wonder if it might end up where you have:
- A checkmark
- An N (for North)
- A partially concealed W (for west)
- A C (for Career)
All wrapped up in one simple mark! I like what you've submitted here too, so good work, and thank you!
I like how you shifted the checkmark more to the center of the circle. FYI, I need to move away from this for the rest of the day, but I am getting client feedback and may post 48 hours from now asking for any revisions based on client feedback before the final period ends. Thanks for your good work!
Nice updates! I like what you did with #272, #273, and #275. For #272 and #273, let's also try where the green bar of the mark is gray to match the lettering. It will further reinforce your clever idea that the checkmark is connected to "ready."
We like how you've worked the N and the checkmark together. But while it works as an icon, it feels awkward as the letter N. The "CR" look separate from the N, and I often see "VCR" when I look at it too. I think to give this logo a chance against the other top-ranked logos, the N/checkmark thing will need to be separated from the lettering. Either drop the CR and position the mark over the words, or add an N in front of CR and position the mark somehow.
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I have a crazy idea. It may not work, so don't feel obligated to try it. But, what if you chopped the right side of the circle so it looks like a C (for career)? And what if you made it the same weight as the checkmark? I'm a designer too and sometimes I think of stuff and then hate it when I try it. :)
But in my mind, I wonder if it might end up where you have:
- A checkmark
- An N (for North)
- A partially concealed W (for west)
- A C (for Career)
All wrapped up in one simple mark! I like what you've submitted here too, so good work, and thank you!