This is really close...can we expand the NCC circle within the circle some to make the NCC bigger and make the figures a litte narrower...I really like what you have, just want to see the NCC a little bigger. Thank you for all your entries!
dije, A lot of my staff do not like the little figures. What about a solid outside blue circle with a red circle then NCC like you have it? I like them, but they don't so much. I really like the last version of #63 and #64
dije, On #63...can you add a little white space between the figures and the round circle? I like the circle bigger as you did it, but like the gap that was in that possible?
why the figure placed around the circle, the figure is representing the people people who learning, education and why circle, its about the globe, or world representation. so the three top thinks are representation Future and student focused (future is world and student is figure) Real World Opportunity (world) Professional and relevant (color and figure)
i hope you like the concept thanks in advance dije
I really do like it...thank you! Don't worry about time, I know we are much different time zones. Would you try to take #91 and leave everything the same, but put a red circle around the NCC instead of the figures. If not I will allow my staff and students to vote as is. I REALLY like the figures, but not everyone does...sorry.
I do like the white buffer though...if you are willing to try the red circle. I will share with staff your thoughts on the figures...thank you for answering my questions.
Okay, Lets try this...I really like #91. My wife likes the one guy on the left that is headed upward. can we do one figure that carries around most of the entire circle? His head would be on the upper left like on #91, but it is one figure not two. Lets keep the circle blue, but have the figure be red and continue as one figure.
dije, I really hope you have a chance before this is over to try that thin outer red figure (1 figure) or complete circle then flip flop the blue and red. Everything about yours is my favorite design with the exception of the two figures. I will see my staff again on Monday and will explain and then we will be done. Thanks again, just hope you have a chance to do that before the competition ends tomorrow night. I LOVE YOUR CONCEPTS! Just try one figure that encompasses the globe. Or, I guess, two red figures both facing up to represent College and Career Readiness. Thanks, b7lefty
Love the one figure guys...way to go! Reread your post and saw accident...sorry to hear about that and sorry about my patience. Love the red figure around the blue globe. last revision...can we try a "fun" arrow at the top of #102 versus the figure? I REALLY like it, but want to see what an arrow or complete circle looks like. I have several staff voting. Here is how I will describe your design.
Soaring with educational opportunities from skills today to career tomorrow around real world opportunities in a fun, professional environment!
The complete circle may be okay without the figure, but not with...thanks. If you want, we will go forward with #102. If you have time to try an arrow at the top versus the educational figure...I see this as having three parts. The globe...PERFECT! The words on the right...PERFECT! The red figure or circle, I just want variations. #102 is the best so far. Thanks dije
sorry if i can't get the point of your feedback. but i try the best i can to understand... : ) thanks for all your feedback i really appreciate and glad to help you to get the best logo in your company
dije, In the selection process today to narrow the logos down, #49 and #64 got a lot of votes, there were just some adjustments that were asked for. I wish I would have had the chance to get this feedback before today as I am pretty sure I can only get revisions from logopixel. Thank you for all of your efforts. In the end, the figures were not as liked by staff and students. I really liked the #102, but others did not. Thanks again. B7lefty
dije, I spoke with logopixel and let him/her know that I wanted you to have an entry in the contest. If you are try to make a revision of the current ranked one and do so within the next few hours, I would appreciate it. The students ranked yours first. However, the staff will not vote for it if it has the figures in it. What I need you to do with design #49 is to remove the figures. Make the NCC globe larger, leaving a small amount of white space. Make the outer circle that has Northland Career Center in it all red in one version, mixed like you have it in another. Please make the outer ring that says "Skills Today, Careers Tomorrow" in blue and place on a white background. One other evaluation would be to have the whole thing in white on a blue background to see what it looks like with white ink on a blue t-shirt.
Really enjoyed the last logo that was ranked 2nd. Might be interested in this in the future. Is there any way we can possibly work together in the future? Thank you for your the end it was our 2nd choice...but was really close.