Yes, much better! I think this is the best so far. But, if you could try making the bow go straight verticle down and then sweep back I might prefer that, but this one is very good!
Well, I was thinking more like the following: You see how the top of the boat goes straight down and curves to become horizontal? I'd like the lower part of the boat to follow a similar curvature. Starting off going down (or slightly towards the right) and then curving towards horizontal.
Getting closer to my vision - from that neck, start straight down and then curve back to the right so it is one smooth curve. No part of the front edge would protrude to the left, it would all be towards the right.
I know, it is hard to explain it in words. What I'd like is for the leading edge of the boat to be swept back more - like in #197, but, I want it to continue back without the forward bulge near the oars.
I like the fading blue - it looks good. Can you make the front edge of the boat, from the neck go down and back (instead of the bulge forward)? I think it would make this look sleeker.
I still like this one, but could you make a few modifications? In some of your first ones like this there was a sliver of blue extending under more of the boat, could you see how that looks? Also could you see how it looks to change the direction of the curly knob on the front of the boat to face forward? Finally, how would it look to have the blue fade from a medium blue at the bottom to the dark blue up by the Star.
They look great I'm going to get some feedback on these three font choices. Could you change the color of the lines (on either end of signs and graphics) and make the gray and taper them to a point?
YES, the picture looks great! Now, we'd like to fine-tune the text. Let's do the North Star in the same blue as the picture, can you make the N and S a little taller still? Delete the gray line, and change 'Signs and Graphics" to the blue that North Star currently is. But compress the text for 'Signs and Graphics' enough to put a gray line at the left and right of 'Signs and Graphics' that tapers to a point at each end - sort of like this:
--== Signs and Graphics ==--
So that is one. Then could you simply change the fonts to what you used in #154 and #155 to see which I like best.
Much better. Can you make the boat just a little thinner - meaning have the 'top' of the boat swoop down further so it is just barely above the oars.
Next, can you change the font for 'North Star' to something like that used in #142? That one is all upper case but can you make the N and S taller, and lighten up the color to even a lighter blue?
Then leave 'signs and graphics' the same except change the color to silver. And put a silver line between North Star and Signs and Graphics.
Yes, that's the idea. Now, could you make the boat not quite as thick, shrink it down a little and make the star a bit larger (and add a small minor star point between each of the major points?
Change the color of "North Star" to a light blue, leave signs and graphics their dark blue but put a silver rectangle around "signs and graphics"
If you have recommendations on colors for the words - show me what you would suggest. I just want the colors to go together but have some variety, have North Star stand out and keep the boat icon with the dark blue (like the night sky).
The font options look good - they make the name stand out more. Is it possible to remove the eye from this image and make the hull of the boat a single curve rather than have the bulge?
I discussed this with others and they thought this had great potential as well. Could you see about the above changes as well as change the color to a slightly darker shade of blue. And for “North Star” could you make the N and S taller (similar to some Other designer’s submissions)?
I like this font - I think it looks sophisticated, but I'm wondering if you could show me what it looks like with a easier to read font (from a distance) maybe a san serif font? Or maybe just bolder.
I also really like this one. Can you put a circle around the star (still transparent like the star) so it looks like a compass with star points extending slightly beyond the circle?
I like this idea - the early navigators with the star. But in its present form on quick glance the eye makes it look like some sort of animal. Maybe we need to drop the eye and make the shape of the ship without the lower bulge - just simplify it. This is great!
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--== Signs and Graphics ==--
So that is one. Then could you simply change the fonts to what you used in #154 and #155 to see which I like best.
Next, can you change the font for 'North Star' to something like that used in #142? That one is all upper case but can you make the N and S taller, and lighten up the color to even a lighter blue?
Then leave 'signs and graphics' the same except change the color to silver. And put a silver line between North Star and Signs and Graphics.
This is looking really good.
Change the color of "North Star" to a light blue, leave signs and graphics their dark blue but put a silver rectangle around "signs and graphics"
If you have recommendations on colors for the words - show me what you would suggest. I just want the colors to go together but have some variety, have North Star stand out and keep the boat icon with the dark blue (like the night sky).
is this what you thinking?
Here are my first options.
Please don't hesitate to leave a comments and advices.