thank you, I would love to do your logo in honor of my father, Dr. Herman Kantor, an early pioneer in infertility in Dallas TX from the 1940's til the 70's - he never used in vitro but was totally dedicated to the field of medicine and had many patients who actually told me how my father was responsible for their children's being with us.
Hope you like the new changes and will be pleased to make any modifications you want.
Loving the new designs. The one I ranked in first place goes along with our websites color palette. Please check it out: I'm having my colleagues weigh in too.
We really like #65. Dr. Toma would like for the "North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine" to be bolder and to stand out more. The tag line, "Delivering Dreams One Baby at a Time" is less important than North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine.
Also, can you make the out line of the baby a bit bolder?
We're getting ready to select the final design. Thank you for making the requested change to the copy so that the name of our facility is bolder.
One additional question, is it just me or does it seem as if the baby is laying on a pair of breasts? I'm wondering if maybe you could change the swoop to a single curve instead of double. It's a bit distracting to me. Thoughts? Sharon