I like what you are doing here, particularly #16. #8 - the wordmark part is good, but the swirl around the building is a bit too trendy. #8, 7, 6 - the "building" looks a bit too much like a farm building where I live. Focus more on the Mongolian ger as a possibility #5 - I think this has potential, with a style change to the green part.
#22 has some real potential. I am not a fan of the colour shift in the word Nomad though. I prefer solid colours. #21 - see comment re solid colours for #22. Symmetry in the tent shape would be preferred. It would also be worth trying some versions with full justification of the words "Capital Corp." to see how that looks.
Yes to your question re #25. I like that. Try one in all blue.
Re #23, how does it look if the ger profile and the font are thickened up a bit? I like it, but I'm wondering if it lacks presence and maybe the ger feels a bit flimsy.
Also, the ger in #23 may be a bit too tall - what happens if you flatten the roof profile just a bit? Those would be a couple of variances worth looking at.