Very cool. I like where you are going. Instead of having each "O" have a raindrop in it, can one have a raindrop, one have a snowflake, and another some sort of hail or ice?
Also, if possible, please play with the fonts. I really like Porsche's font.
Can we try one now where the snowflake is in a raindrop? I would like it to show all bad weather potentially and not just winter. But I love what you have done.
Also, please make sure that all logos you give me are able to be changed to different sizes depending on what they are printed on, and can be put on rubber, plastic, and paper
Ok. And if you are the winner, will you be able to send all of them to me (white background, black, red), along with the crown, slogan and name in separate files as well?
Also, can you try making one with a snowflake inside of a raindrop?
That's great! But LogoTournament rules doesn't allow us to give our email until the contest is over and the winner is choosen. Then you get automaticaly the email of the winner and you can work with him outside LT. ps: almost every designer here (included me) like to work further after the win :) ps2: sorry for my very bad english! Thanks, Satto.