Hey, thanks a lot for your entries! I'm really liking the font that you've used in all three. The fade in #23 is really awesome, I'm liking that a whole lot. Maybe a change to another color, however. (still fading to black). Is there any chance you make the logo more into an emblem? I'm looking at some of your other winning logos - Galveston Wine Co., Nostalgicast, Steve's POS Garage - maybe similar to those stylistically? (not so much with the color/fonts, rather the overall layout). If possible, it would be awesome to have the word "No'Side" as you've designed (same font with the fade), but with some sort of emblem/picture/symbol planted behind it (similar to the logo I've attached to the brief). Again, I'm loving the font in #23, and I think with a little more substance, it could be a dynamic logo. Thanks a ton for your help, if there's anything you want to know, please don't hesitate to contact me.