I just want to say thank you for such an awesome submission. I absolutely love this design and can't wait to animate it. One thing that's concerning me is applying this logo to print applications, like sales quotes and invoices. If there is any way that I could also pay for a simplified version of this logo, in black and white, I'd love to work with you on that. I was thinking maybe just the owl and branch, but I'm not sure. You probably have more experience with that than I do. In any case, my email is krobertsonvideo@gmail.com and I'd love to talk about it with you. Thank you again for such an awesome logo.
Just wanted to let you know that so far people are liking yours the best. I wanted to ask you, will I get the working file for this? I really want to animate this logo and having the original file would help. If it's against the rules, I understand, but I'd be happy to pay you for it.
I love it. I think a little smaller for the eyes and I'm iffy on the drop shadow for the text but I'm not going to keep asking you to make edits unless you want to.
Ok this is legit, I love it. Two things: I want to see if you can make the vignette more of a tall rectangle, and if there's any way to black out the beak on the owl, and just make the eyes into solid white ovals, I may be sold on this.
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