Entry #40, #44, and #46. I really love all your logos. Here is what I'm thinking. I like the ring in and font in #46 and I like the shading used in #40 as well as the X. But i'm concerned that the X limits us to 4 blade turbine. Maybe if you made the X a little less obvious as a 4 bladed turbine It would really be perfect.
Hi again, in entry #46, can you try using some gradient. For example like in logo (entry #101). Also, just a heads up, I posted this not to long ago, but I came across a logo I liked by chesapeake energy: http://i.bnet.com/blogs/chesapeake-energy-logo.jpg.
Excellent, I am very impressed with your logos, I hate to suggest anything else, but I was going to see if you could try some variations in the font/text type for Entry #108 and #46, these are my two favorite. I wanted to see if we could try something (just want to see what it would look like). Make "Next-Gen" in futuristic black (except for the letter X; leave as green/blue). I would be very appreciative, thank you. Keep up the great work.