When I read the name smedox, the first word that came to mind was "smelly". I like the logo and the concept of secure medical document exchange in the logo. I'm wondering if there is another word that might describe it. The logo design is on target. I like # 2 the best. Maybe a darker shade of green (like a teal). Thanks
Thanks for feedback Let the problem about logo and the name clear. Do you prefer the logo than the name or you want to put a name first and then work with the logo? When in this contest you get a logo that you like but no for the name and other entries give you great name but you don't like the logo, which one you choose to be the winner? Please, give us an explanation. This will determine how we work to give you the best.
new entries with teal and blue colors. what is the first word that came to mind when you read "smadox" (#16)? May be "smart" :) what is the first word that came to mind when you read "smadox" (#17)? May be "smart" :)
Still having a hard time with the "sm" part of it. I really like the new colors and the logo is still on target. What about 3sdox (smart, secure, simple document exchange)?
I just checked and s3dox is already taken! I really liked the name and logo you did. Have to figure something else out. You are on target with colors. Any other ideas?
I do like the domain name for # 27. Can you make the colors more solid (it may be just the clarity of the logo on this site). It looks like the colors are blended instead of solid. Also, the swirls on the plus sign are opposite of the others you submitted. I like it the other way.