Dear MW design: please allow me to elaborate on my colleague's comment above. I *really* like the way you embossed a newer font above a partially grayed-out "N" from our old logo. And I really like the fresh, current font you selected for "LIVING". What keeps me from loving the logo #31 is that it looks a little too comic-booky and/or retro. Could you riff on this them in the following way: eliminate the fine green edging to the large gray "N", modernize the font of the Newbury, eliminate the two-tone green (although I like it) which seems to give the impression that the work is illuminated from above, and employ some or all of the following colors as alternates: spring green, dark coffee, and raspberry. Thanks!!! Frank Levy (President)
Thank you for the ranking and your detailed feedback. It will greatly help to improve the logo. I'll make the amendments you had mentioned and upload new versions soon.
Dear Mr Levy, I just uploaded logos with new fonts and color sets. I prepared a few color themes to chose from: #109 elegant with accents #110 vivid colors #111 earth tones #112 pastel colors
Of course we can switch the fonts and further develop color versions. Thank you, MW
Please continue to provide color variations, #111 has gotten the best response thus far, from my colleagues. Please refer to the inspiration photos that I've recently uploaded for a color palette.
To expand on the comment above: #111 is our favorite so far, not just from you but from all designers. It links us to the past with the capital "N" in the background and brings us into the future with "Newbury Living" in more contemporary font. We like the logo so much that we could practically go with it as is. The only negative reaction has been that some people don't like the shade of green. I, personally, like it a lot. But I ask you to leave the style of the logo, and the fonts, the same, or nearly the same, and experiment with different colors. One of your experiments might be the same green, only more saturated. As my colleague Meghan Goodwin says, we like the colors in the palette that can be seen at Thanks for your participation in this contest. Regards, Frank Levy (President)
Thank you for your hard work. I will consult with my colleagues to determine if we would like to ask for more color variations. Your concept remains our top choice but I'm not sure we've yet arrived at a color combination that will last us for the next 5-10 years. As I mentioned before, I personally really like the colors in #111, but a lot of people reacted negatively to it. I'll be in touch tomorrow. Regards, Frank
Hello, thank you for the ranking, although I'm still trying to refine / define your color preferences. If there is any direction you want me to follow, any hint would be appreciated.
The main commentary regarding #111 is that it maybe needed a stronger accent color to bring the mustard & brown into being a more current combination, using some or all of the colors in the 3 newest uploaded photos for inspiration. Maybe it's re-configuring so that the chartreuse is more prevalent, or bringing another color into the mix, for example. The silhouette is great, with the large N behind, we're all on board with that.