Dear Flatworld: thanks so much for your contribution. We like #107 a lot. Please try a few different font combinations, with at least the "N" of Newbury referencing the existing "N" in our logo which can be seen at Or -- at least reference the same green. In other words, we want to preserve a link to our past either with the shape of the N, or a bit of the forest green, or both. However, we really like the colors of the shapes within the house. Thanks!
Thanks, we like the font you just tried. Could you also just throw up a few other non-cursive fonts including "American Typewriter" or a few a tad edgier?
Please continue submitting designs, we see some potential with the 3 similar designs. We think there's a better combination of font and colors that just hasn't been hit quite yet. I have uploaded 3 new photos for color inspiration.