Thanks for your feedback. I looked at your website where there were HAWTs and as these are a lot more recognisable I chose to produce design #18 with them in mind. In #78 & #79 I have used VAWTs but it is difficult to convey the same feeling of movement. #78 is two colour with tints and #79 is three colour with tints.
You are right the we offer HAWT's. We have them because they are popular, but our focus is VAWT's. Thank you so much for incorporating the VAWT's into your logo designs. I see what you mean by it's difficult to convay the same movement.
#169 - a variation of #110 with a different typeface and changes to colours. #170, #171 & #172 - a more simplified design in the square without the clouds, a larger VAWT and some different typefaces. #173, #174 & #175 - designs with more of a plan viewpoint looking down on top of a VAWT and giving more of an idea of rotational movement.
I like your thought process from #173, #174 & #175. That's interesting.
I enjoy the shadowing for #171 a lot. It's a great representation of the turbine. Could you keep the style of it and just use the font type from #173 in it? I think that would make #171 a great finalist.
Thank you so much for working with me. Your design of the turbine was great. It looked really good. It wasn't my bosses favorite and I'm sorry about that. He did like how the design reminded him of printing done in Nashville.