New ULogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / New U New U has selected their winning logo design. For $475 they received 180 designs from 30 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by rezfan Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 5 Withdrawn 3rd 2 Withdrawn 6th 6 Withdrawn 10th Withdrawn New 4 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn Prefers others. Comment Activity rezfan commented on #151 Withdrawn Without "R" already on the #116 Thank you! 5 years ago vance99 commented on #151 Withdrawn Hi can you remove r and take it back? We need this one. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #116 I was withdraw entry #151 as the 1st because add the ® not allowed during open contest. Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago rezfan commented on #151 Withdrawn Got it! Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago Ivan F commented on #151 Withdrawn Please remove the (R) symbol. You can add it later when you upload finals. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #152 Withdrawn Yes i can do that of course after the contest complete :) 5 years ago vance99 commented on #152 Withdrawn We like your design. Can you do package design too? 5 years ago rezfan commented on #152 Withdrawn Unfortunately, i stay in Indonesia :) 5 years ago vance99 commented on #152 Withdrawn Are you live in US? 5 years ago rezfan commented on #152 Withdrawn I from Indonesia :) 5 years ago vance99 commented on #152 Withdrawn Where are you from? I like the way of your concept and work. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #150 Withdrawn Update #152 Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago rezfan commented on #116 Update with ® please check #151 5 years ago vance99 commented on #150 Withdrawn Can do "U" in White colour? (New "U") 5 years ago vance99 commented on #116 Can you put copy right R on the side? We would like to see how it work. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #139 Withdrawn Update #150 Thank you, 5 years ago vance99 commented on #139 Withdrawn Could you do green colour in this slogan? 5 years ago rezfan commented on #144 Withdrawn Please check #149 Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago vance99 commented on #144 Withdrawn Could you put green color on E? i would like to see how it looks. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #123 Withdrawn Actually it's the same green color, look like different because the slogan too small than U. But i try to make the green more bright then before. Please check #144 5 years ago vance99 commented on #123 Withdrawn Also, Can you move #98 leaf above this one after you adjust the colour? 5 years ago vance99 commented on #123 Withdrawn Can you use the color in slogan same with Big U? The slogan colour is dark than big U right now. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #116 Update design please check #122 #123 Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago vance99 commented on #116 Can you write slogan and company name(New U) in somewhere? 5 years ago rezfan commented on #114 Withdrawn Update design please check #116 #117 Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago vance99 commented on #114 Withdrawn Could you put two spot above the u? Like german u. 5 years ago rezfan commented on #98 Withdrawn Update design please check #100 Thank you, Ayik 5 years ago vance99 commented on #98 Withdrawn Can you remove the green leaf and put green colour on the spot? Make the green lighter. It looks more fresh. 5 years ago
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i would like to see how it looks.
But i try to make the green more bright then before. Please check #144
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Make the green lighter. It looks more fresh.