We really like this logo (#79), but would like to experiment a little bit with some different fonts. We also think we like "NewLife better than New Life"
Is there any way the "n" inside the leaf could be outlined in blue maybe? We'd like both colors in the logo, but also want to keep that clean minimalist look you already have. Any way to incorporate just a very small amount of the blue in the actual logo?
All fonts used in the logo (for branding purposes)
You can modify that as you think is necessary, but that was his suggestion. We'd also like to have maybe one or two files of the logo without the church name for social media profile pics, apps, etc. if at all possible.
Thanks again for all your hard work. We're excited to start using this logo!
thank you so much :) no issues with the files , just a question though 4 jpegs ? 4 pngs ? perhaps its better as i normally do to include 2 jpegs , 2 png 1psd 1 gif i Ai and 1 Eps that covers all aeas of printing and web use
one again thank ou so much and god bless Marc i will send files in 5 minutes
Ok im reading the F&Q on Logotournament this is what i can send you EPS with fully editable vectors (Adobe CS3 or earlier) JPG at 1000 X 800 pixels
the rest i will have to email you ***As a courtesy we ask that you do your best to reasonably accommodate client requests for different file formats. Any files outside the ones requested at upload are to be delivered between you and the client by email.
so my email is mdsgrafix@gmail.com drop me a line and ill send you the others via email
Fantastic, thanks so much. We may have all we need in the package you sent anyway, we trust your expertise. You do great work! If we need any of the other file types, we'll email you!
I'm going to email you from my church email account (tyler@newlifeofauburn.org) to get the rest of the files, just so you can be on the lookout for that email address.