Thanks for your submission! We love both images, but it's not quite on the mark because we are trying to avoid being too easily thought of as an environmental organization. This is the trouble with our name (since we are not solely an environmental organization), and so we need a logo that counterbalances this -- that includes an image of a person, or an abstract image that is connected in people's mind to balance, yin-yang, being and action themes. I love your design, however, and so would love to see what else you come up with. Please review the notes I made in the contest discussion section. Many thanks!!! Saskia
Thank you! Could you try a few small variations on these two designs? - Create two tones versions (for black and white printing) - Create versions on a black background (for presentations) - Add a reflection to both?
Beautiful! - In #375, can you make the "new" and the "earth" separate a bit, or make the "earth" a bit bolder to distinguish it form "new". It can read as "newerth". - Can you try making the "earth" in #369, #373 and #374 green, matching the logo color? - Can you make a version of #396 / #374 with the logo larger on top of the name? - And here's the challenging question... Can you make a version that introduces a human element into this somehow? Maybe a small figure that leans up against the circle? Something that brings a human element into the logo... Any creative idea you might have here would be interesting for us to see. I really appreciate your prompt reply! Best wishes, Saskia
Hi! Can you try one last thing for us? Can you try giving some highlights to the leaves in the symbol? Something that would make it less 2D, more 3D, so that it works w/ the reflection. I would also like to see the "earth" in the name the same green as the symbol. This is referring to #378, #379, and #390. Thanks! We are in final review and love your work. It is being seriously considered. Best wishes, Saskia
OK - so you have moved to our top place for now, but we have a few more pieces of feedback yet before we make any decisions and there are new entries coming in all the time. Still, yours is consistently loved.
So, can you do one thing that could tip the balance? Some people have commented that we might give the wrong impression w/ the flower element in your logo. It could make us a landscaping company. I wonder if you could bring in some new element somehow that does not make it look so flowery-- or which retains the floweriness, but subtilely adds something? Some people have picked up on a yin-yang quality in your logo. Can you play this up slightly more, so that it is more obvious, but without dropping the beauty of this existing logo? If you could give this a whirl, it would be great.
Thanks! I like #505 and #507! You did a beautiful job with the zen circle. I am not sure if it works well all contained within a circle, however. It would be nice to see variations -- image left or right or on top w/ text. I also would like to see variation in the colors of the text, as in the old designs. A simple, well done zen circle could be just what we are after! Feel free to submit more suggestions as well. I love your esthetic.