As you will see, our core team has narrowed it down to the two newer designs. I am sorry the swirls didn't work out. There was too much disagreement about them, the colors and the rawness. Some love it, others didn't. But, people were universally intrigued by the aerial earth designs!
So, can you make a few more variations on this theme?
- One team member was saying that they would like to see the spiral that is in #364 (white) inside #345, but I am not sure how that would look with the other lines already circling the outer edge of the inner circle. I will leave it to you to see if this works? Could you make #346 bigger -- similar in scale to #345, and maybe a touch less busy? I think it could come back if so.
- Could you make #345 much smaller and put it to the right of the words, maybe increasing the size of "new earth institute". We want to see a long version of that logo as well.
- Can you try #345 with different fonts?
- Can you play with the colors? We would like to see a two tone version that would look great in black and white also so that we can use it for b&w printing when needed. Now it looks a bit washed out because the lines all blur together.
- On all versions, make "institute" just a touch bigger.