NeverColdCall.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 66 designs from 18 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by TNSGraphics Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #18 Withdrawn New #28 Withdrawn New #26 Withdrawn New #25 Withdrawn New #24 Withdrawn New #19 Withdrawn New #17 Withdrawn New #16 Withdrawn New #15 Withdrawn New #14 Discussion TNSGraphics Logo Designer Hello,If you would like to see different colors, or anything at all, please let me know.Thank you,Tim(This comment references Entry #14) 14 years ago fjrllc Client This looks great (#18), can you do something with a tagline like "Modern Sales Prospecting System" or "Cutting-Edge Sales System"?Thanks!Frank 14 years ago TNSGraphics Logo Designer Hello,Thank you very much for the feedback.The first one is #18 with the tagline changed.The second is very close, with the the black in "never" lightened a little and the gradient in the blue text changed for a different look.Thanks again,Tim(This comment references Entry #24) 14 years ago TNSGraphics Logo Designer Hello,This one has capital letters so you could see what that looks like.Thank you,Tim(This comment references Entry #26) 14 years ago TNSGraphics Logo Designer Hello,I wanted to do one more to show you what it looks like with bolder text.Thank you,Tim(This comment references Entry #28) 14 years ago