Here are my submissions #5, #6, #7, #9, #10.... Hopefully pleased. Please feel free to contact me for any requests. And please let me know if you need any changes/modification on my entries. Thank you!
I love your work. As to #5 can you place on the top line "Net-Co" and under it in smaller font "Legal Alliance". Make want to use contrast colors to highlight . Thank you
IM - Great work on entry#29. I really like the color contrast and flow of design now. Given Net-Co is an alliance of lawyers I like the logos that incorporate gathering/connection of people. Thank you for your ongoing work.
Here's my updates #59, #60, #61, #62 .... for any options....... #64, #65 ..... for revisions based on your direction above....... #66, #67, #68, #69, #70, #71, #72, #73.... for any variations... Thanks!
IM, I really like # 65 and 64. The scales of justice look great in place of letters. I also like #66. It gives option of rounded edges or pointed. I am leaning towards pointed . #69 and 70 are also attractive. Thanks for making adjustments. Awesome!