This is a gorgeous design. I like the light in it, and the overall aesthetic. THANK YOU! great work.
We may want to emphasize a nest or bowl shape more than a globe shape, though. Is there any way to use this (or another) concept and open up the the top of it, so that it's more like a bowl or an open nest than a globe?
We have a few font style and font color requests for #122, #190 and #191: We'd like the "nest" text and slogan to be all in the same color blue. We'd like to see a lighter, brighter blue. We'd also like to see the "nest" text in lowercase. We'd like to see the slogan text with just the first letter of each word in caps, and the rest in lowercase. And we'd like to see a more playful, possibly rounded font.
Can you try #324 with: 1) The slogan/tagline all on one line of text (instead of on two lines), and with the slogan all in caps? It's ok if it's a very small font. 2) A more rounded font? We like having an "n" that's very rounded in "nest." 3) A little shadow under the globe like you have in #343?
For #347, can you actually delete the shadow - we like it better without the shadow, but thanks for trying it. And then can you just make the "e" in "nest" lowercase?
Lastly, we'd like to have a graphics package that includes a few versions of this logo. We want to go with your design! Could you do a graphics package with: 1) the rectangular logo like you have in #347 with the edits above 2) the rectangular logo with a light background color filled in - maybe a very light blue, light yellow/orange, or light grey? Whatever you think would look good? 2) Just the sphere and no text 3) Just the text and no sphere 4) The sphere with "nest" below it and no slogan, like you had in earlier versions. 5) A very long rectangular version that has the sphere on the left, then the "nest" text with no slogan, then some space, then on the far right, the slogan/tagline.
Would you be able to put together a graphics package like that? I will also try to send you a screenshot of our website so you can see where the logos will go, if that's helpful.
I actually meant that we just wanted one version with the grey background, and the rest of the version on a white background. So our last update is - can you please do these six grey versions on a white background too?