Hi! We really enjoy your designs! Some suggestions: We would like the character to look a bit more professional - our techs don't wear jeans/overalls. We especially like entry #5, it would be even better if it had a blue background and the "Neighborhood" was in red. Thanks for your hard work!
Hello:) Glad to have a comment:) i will try another tweaks for character as your request. also i will revise #5, i am not in front of my computer right now, i will do that by tonight jakarta time
Entries # 4 and 5. Attached is a link to our website http://www.4neighborhood.com/webapp/GetPage?pid=184. Scroll to the bottom to see technicians. White button up collared shirt, blue pants, logo on upper right corner of shirt. Thanks!
Could you put him in a white collared shirt with pockets and have a logo embroidery type thing above one pocket and his name Nick above the other one... also ditch the pipe wrench and have him holding a flashlight in that same hand but have his arm down near the waist similar to rank #2 but lower on entry #36 thanks! good job!
I would like to see plumbing heating and air conditioning not in the reversed lettering but complimentry to the block letering used for neighborhood like 39 and also could you put the logo on his hat
still the eyes are not there yet. could you please try to make the plumbing heating air conditioning bigger or more readable and maybe the only black i see on his face is his eyes ?????? dont know if a color change would help also try the face on #40 please and if you can make the satisfying your neighbors for 4 generations phrase so it could be read better maybe around the top ???? also could the guy be a little more 3-d.ish it may help with the eyes i am not an artist...... thankyou Will
i like it except that it is hard to tell he has a flash light could the flashlight light up the satisfying so a person knew it is a flashlight. nice job thankyou will
looking real good but my eye still cant tell that he has a flash light could he shine it on saticfied so beams of light apper to be comming out of the flash light. next is seems that all the letters flow one way and the guy flows in the opposite way.this makes it a bit harder to read could the neighborhood have a more srait up and down or.turn nick to look the other way may cure the flow of the letters and it easyer for the eye to focuse also could we darken his hair and some of the fetuture lines then i dont think the eyes problem will done. thankyou for all your help. Will
Good morning Mr. Will i will try with to flip "nick" to opposite way, and update flash light. and also all request and will upload by tonight jakarta time
This is looking so great!! We love the background and the text, its clear and easy to read! Our only other suggestion would be to make the man a bit more realistic looking, and not so cartoonish. We love it, thanks for your hard work!!
i like the shape i like the letters i like the homes maybe a bit smaller i dont think the flash light is the answer and the guy would need more work to have him less cartoony thankyou for all of the hard work wish i could have had better feed back sooner for you. Will
#99 looks like it is going in the right direction would like see that guy more developed and the flashlight doesnot have to be in the logo so if you can think of a way to put his hands that would be fine. Thankyou Will