we really like this design. but would like to see the guy dressed in a white collared button up shirt with logo maybe on right top side of shirt!? if possible, and holding a flashlight. Yhank you for your time we really like the logo
Can you make the Neighborhood Red with Block lettering similar to my present lettering and the satisfying your neighbors for 4 generations more visible and also can you put Nick in a white buttoned up collared shirt with a logo above his shirt pocket and his name Nick above the other pocket
could you put a collar on him and some buttons down the front and change the pockets on the side of the pants also would there be a way to put the satisfing statment aranged diffrently to see just a bit more of the guy and maybe colored like 45 thankyou i like the way it is comming along
we like the new look of the guy on 53 would like to see the same logo on his hat. but we like the blue of 45 and we like the lettering like on 52 but maybe neighborhood on top and plumbing heating air conditioning on the bottom. maybe the satisfying your neighbors for 4 generations acrossed the front thanxs. also could you try no black and one with a grass green back ground Will
i really like your guy i think he is the best but my eyes cant or wont read the neighborhood and satisfying your neighbor 4 4 gens does not stick out, is there any thing you could suggest. i like your guy is there any way to jus have the guy in neighborhood of homes or city scape with my logo letters that could be strait.
nice job i had suggested to second place tp put the tag line satisfing your neighbors for 4 generations over and at a arch so it could be read better maybe something like that would help the tag line to be more visible above the homes or some thing. also i really like the plumbing on top of heating and air conditioning on the bottom. that would give room so that the neighborhood could be larger. thank you i really like the way it is comming good job
Awesome! We'd like to see a couple changes: - In #69, the flashlight should be a different color and shining like it is on, its too hard to see right now. Thank you for changing that in #77, but the angle of his arm seems a bit odd. - we like the guy with the logo on his hat, instead of just the N - the "Satisfying Your Neighbors" part in logos like #69 is hard to read, perhaps try putting it in a circle around the top of entry #71.
Thanks so much for your hard work, it looks great!!
Please change #69's flashlight to be red and on. Put Neighborhood on his hat, and put the "Satisfying Your Neighbors for 4 Generations" around the top in a circle, perhaps similar to the background in #71. We like the colors in #69.
On #71, please make houses a little smaller. The flashlight should be red instead of blue, with yellow light. Make the blue oval background more circular, with the "Satisfying Your Neighbors For 4 Generations" from #93 around the top of the blue circle. Please change the text to: "Plumbing . Heating . Air Conditioning" Thanks so much! Looks great!
i like the detail of your man but he looks like he could be very young could he be made to look a bit older and i would wonder what the man would look like if he were not holding a flash light i cant seem to get the flash light to look good it makes it look like he is looking aroung at night so if you had some way to lose the flash light and lighten up the city behind him so it looks more like day i think it would be great. i like the type of font on the forth place entry the best. i have to work with you or my number one pick if i put you in first place what could i expect for working on the final draft?????? thankyou so much for all of your hard work. Will
we like the lighter back ground and we like that he is not holding the flash light we dont want the guy to have face hair could you try him with out a hat. we dont want any one to wonder is he a boy or a girl or is he a man we want his gender as well as his age to say I am a man that knows what is what and am old enough to work on your plumbing heating. we would like to see him not with thumb up what else could he be doing with his hands. i still like the detail of your man. also you have used our houses that we provided do you have a city scape that you could use. we want it to look like daytime in a neighborhood. I will think about his arms and hands Thankyou Will