we really like your style we'll have to look at it a little more, this probally should rank higher... but could you please put him in a white collared button down pocket shirt with his logo above one pocket and his name Nick on the other side above the pocket. And try a blue hat with the neighborhood logo right on the hat. Also we don't like the pipe get rid of that but rather have him carrying a small red toolbox and a flashlight. And is there a way to stretch out the houses so he's actually in the houses so it looks like he's coming out of a neighborhood. And then make the Plumbing Heating and Air conditioning more easy to read and so the Satisfying your neighbors for 4 generations is much larger and more easy to read also consume more space with the Neighborhood section to be as bold as possible and be the same height as the character. We would like the logo to be easily put on a truck or paperwork.
could you please change his smile to look a little more trusworthy also put a couple more windows on the homes. please make neighborhood more like my present lettering also the plumbing heating and air conditioning should be in the same style lettering as 26 and not reversed out for easy reading. i had suggested to others to maybe run the satisfying your neighbos for 4 space generations to run over the top so that it is easy to read maybe you could try as well. thankyou looks good
It looks really awesome! - If possible, we'd like to see the man facing the other way. - Also, if you could widen or bold the "satisfying your neighbors" type on #82, its a bit hard to read right now. - Again on #82, if you could change his hat to be like the #75 entry. Thanks so much for your hard work, we love it!
Please remove the right ear in #88. Also lighten up the background and the houses so it looks more like daytime. We'd like the hat more rounded to look more realistic. The smile still looks a bit like a smirk, could you please make him look more friendly? Please make the text say "Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning" with no dots or & sign, and also make it bolder/larger so it is easier to read like the "Neighborhood Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning" entry #78. Thank you very much!!
i like the detail of your man but he looks like he he still is smirking a little could he have a friendly glad to see you type of smile and i would wonder what the man would look like if he were not holding a flash light i cant seem to get the flash light to look good it makes it look like he is looking aroung at night so if you had some way to lose the flash light and lighten up the city behind him so it looks more like day i think it would be great. i like the type of font on the forth place entry the best. i have to work with you or my number two pick if i keep you in first place what could i expect for working on the final draft?????? thankyou so much for all of your hard work. Will
We like what you have done to develop your guy with the new smile he really looks good we dont think that he looks like he is smirking any more .we would like to see the homes so that it looks more day time and maybe the sky as well maybe some orange or yellow or combination to make it more day. we like that he doesnt have a flashlight but would like to see his arms and hands a little bit diffrent i dont think the thumb up is it i will try to come up with something or maybe you have an idea. Thankyou Will
could you try to make the lettering bolder and more strait up and down and bold the plumbing dot heating dot air conditiong and make the lettering simular to #100 also please make pockets to be the same size or proprotionate with him being turned. also his arms appear to be 2 diffrent sizes could you make them proprotionate as well would you be able to send him waving as one drawing and one drawing with his thumb up with the changes done to #104. we should be able to make up our mind if waving or thumbs up is the way to go. this guy is really nice you sure did a good job and thankyou for all your revisions. it has been very helpful to refine him. to what we really like.
Hi, we'd like #108 to be waving better. Please refine his arms so they are more proportional. Also make his hand better and more realistic. After these revisions are done, we will end the contest with you as the winner. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Please see the hand in the link above. Could we try putting his hand up similar to that...to show 4 generations? And could you also create another that shows the one you currently have waving with 4 fingers? Also add four fingers to the hand that is on his side. Thanks we really like him...just are trying to get the hands right.
Hi, Thanks for choose me as the winner, I will prepare the files. if it is ready, I'll upload them. but logotournament only allows one file eps and one jpeg file. Can you tell me your email? I'll send it via email. Thank you again,