#21 and 22 are great designs. However the multicolored text is a little too much. Could you revise with a new color palette that includes an orange closely matches the Golden Gate Bridge orange?
CMYK colors are: C= Cyan: 0%, M =Magenta: 69%, Y =Yellow: 100%, K = Black: 6%.
The closest existing color codes to GGB International Orange color are: PMS 173 (CYMK = 0%, 80%, 94%, 1%), PMS 174 (CYMK 8%, 85%, 100%, 34%) Pantone 180 (CYMK 19.4%, 77.9%, 79.6%, 3.6%)
Thanks - #27 looks good. Still includes a lot of text in a small space. would be interested to see how it looks without the tag line (dates and location) sometimes we remove that when the logo is printed small.
i like how the line in your bridge design tapers off - it would be interesting to see a version with a trolley car where the wire tapers off in the same fashion.