These are original handscripts. You didn't indicate if you wanted something complex or simple; bold or light, etc. and you did say that you don't want the typical symbols as hearts, rings etc. It would really help us to have a very specific direction if at all possible. Thank you, Tere
Thank you, I really appreciate that! If there is anything I can do to improve this for your let me know. I was working towards your monogram to be simple, unique and elegant.
I was trying to enter a new revision on #172 but there is an internatl system error. It might be that your contest had an overload of uploading entries at the same time.
Since the error with the server caused entries to fail, if you were waiting for revisions and they didn't come in, you may continue to move the entries around as needed until you decide on the final choice, but only the entry in the 1st place position may make revisions.
Tere', #172 and #174 are really great, I don't want pick just one and lose out on a another (I'm surprising my fiance) if I paid you on pay pal how much for both as an EPS?
I know that the 1st place winner the transaction takes place through Logo Tournament in your account. So once you have decided a JPEG and EPS file are supplied to you. If you want to buy the 2nd and 3rd place entries as well, these transactions cannot occur until you have selected and approved your 1st place winner and the contest is 'Complete', then arrangements may be made by PM to those designers to acquire paypal information. Then at that time any amount may be discussed with each additional designer
Again, I had #172 finished with an additional rounded corner rectangle border but couldn't upload it before your contest ended because of a server error. So after your contest is 'Complete', PM me and I will get back to you. if that isn't possible you may contact the designers through Admin.
I hope this isn't too confusing.
Thank you for your interest in my design. Sincerely, Tere