Naturel PowerLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Naturel Power Naturel Power has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 136 designs from 30 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kuur Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #36 Withdrawn 5th #50 Withdrawn 6th #48 Withdrawn 10th #42 Withdrawn New #51 Withdrawn New #49 Withdrawn New #35 Withdrawn New #34 Withdrawn Prefers others. #54 Withdrawn Prefers others. #38 Discussion Fatih Client Hallo,thank you for this wonderfull Logo.Could you make The Same Logo with othercolor?For example Green and Gold orGreen and brownor other colors you like please.Thanks 15 years ago Kuur Logo Designer yes sir..I have submit other color..#48 with green and brown..#50 with green and gold..#54 with green and orange..hope you like it..thank you very much for feedback..regard,.. 15 years ago Fatih Client Hello Kuur,now we want to select the winner of this Contest.We like your logos, but we don't have decide about the Colours.If we select your Logo, could we get all of your Logo in this contest or do you send only one of them? 15 years ago Kuur Logo Designer yes I gave one of them ..but if you want all my logos in this contestI'll give it to youthank's..regard.. 15 years ago Fatih Client If you woulf give us all of them we will select you as the winner.Please give me the OK for this !best regard's 15 years ago Kuur Logo Designer OK sir.. 15 years ago