The color code you have suggested are HEX colors used for web while what we use in design are CMYK color palette which is used more for printing. We have tried to find the closest value of HEX colors in CMYK so that the logo can be used in various formats.
Did you use a variety of these colors for the image? Primary blue: 578ac2
Secondary blue: 233d6a
Orange: ed793b
Lilac bg: e4e5ec
Grey/lilac: e6e7ee
STC blue: 6097d0
Also, please keep the name of the company in one color. The word Alliance looks larger than cybersecurity and they should be the same size
Please create a few versions of the logo with different typeface. Please try one with our existing typeface on our website the logo is at the bottom right in white. Please also the logo with a variety of these colors: Primary blue: 578ac2
Secondary blue: 233d6a
Orange: ed793b
Lilac bg: e4e5ec
Grey/lilac: e6e7ee
STC blue: 6097d0
Yes Sir, will be serving you with all our creative talent even after the contest is over. We will see that we deliver you the best logo design for your brand. Looking forward to hear from you.
No issues Sir, we are here to serve you. We have updated the designs for your review and look forward to your inputs on the same. If you still have any suggestions we would be happy to incorporate them in our design.
Can you please move the words cyber and security closer together? Can you please add this typeface to the other two logos? We need to choose between those three.
Can you please make the word "national" slightly smaller and thinner. Can you please change the links to 4 primary colors? Please provide a couple of options using the primary colors. Thank you.
Thank You Sir for allowing us this opportunity to serve you. As per the rules of this platform I am not allowed to share my personal email to you but you can PM me through this portal. You can send me message by clicking on my profile.
We have uploaded some variations for the design for your review. We have also included your suggestion for the font type. Hope you like them.
Can you please change the typeface to what the logo in second position has? Can you please provide some color variation on the icon? Please send me your email so we can refine further if needed.
Thank you once again, for your valuable inputs. Have just uploaded some variations for your review. If you have any specific color or font in mind than you can share the same with us. We will incorporate them in our design for your review too.
Comment Activity
Waiting for your review on our designs.
creative space
Waiting to hear from you.
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creative space
Looking forward to your inputs.
creative space
creative space
creative space
The color code you have suggested are HEX colors used for web while what we use in design are CMYK color palette which is used more for printing. We have tried to find the closest value of HEX colors in CMYK so that the logo can be used in various formats.
Thanking You,
creative space
Secondary blue: 233d6a
Orange: ed793b
Lilac bg: e4e5ec
Grey/lilac: e6e7ee
STC blue: 6097d0
Also, please keep the name of the company in one color. The word Alliance looks larger than cybersecurity and they should be the same size
Submitted some ideas for your review.
creative space
Secondary blue: 233d6a
Orange: ed793b
Lilac bg: e4e5ec
Grey/lilac: e6e7ee
STC blue: 6097d0
creative space
creative space
creative space
Waiting for your updates in regards to our designs submitted.
creative space
Waiting to hear from you on the designs that we have submitted for the contest. Is there anything that we can do to improve our designs.
creative space
Waiting for an update from you in regards with the designs updated. Is there anything we can do to update our designs.
Looking forward to hear from you and your valuable inputs on the same.
creative space
Looking forward to hear from you.
creative space
Looking forward to hear from you.
creative space
Uploaded some variations for your review.
creative space
We have uploaded some variations for the design for your review. We have also included your suggestion for the font type. Hope you like them.
Looking forward to your insights on the same.
creative space
creative space
creative space
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
creative space
Looking forward to your review and comments on the same.
creative space