Thank you very much for your design. We like the colors, but could we please see them used differently? For example, perhaps we could see the star in red and the stripes in silver and blue or the star in blue and the stripes in red and silver... etc. "NAVREF" should remain in blue, however.
We have decided that #38 is our favorite of the designs you've shown us. Could we please see an option in which the two outside stripes are red and the inside stripe is silver? Also, could we try a sans-serif font and could you make "National Association of Veterans' Research and Education Foundations" darker and easier to read?
For #43, could we please see the same design with a red underline under NAVREF? We think that the line would look best with slightly rounded ends, so that it echoes the font.
Thank you for all your designs. Is there any way to make the stars in both your designs less cartoony? Perhaps if the stars had sharper, more defined points? Also, could we please see a sans serif font for #38 and #58?
Thank you! We really like the new, less cartoony star in #83. Could you please do the same for #59 - i.e., make it a little sharper and more elegant and less cartoony?
Also, do you think you could make the liens in #83 a little bit thicker? We really like the sharpness of the star but can it be sharp but still defined?