I will need to use the logo in a "square" shape for Social Media avatar / profile pictures or as an Instagram post where they prefer square format.
I will be uploading the winning design here in the page and I will be needing your email so that I can send you the other request on the logo because the file that we can upload here are only limited, and by the way, what do you mean by "Square with the tag line" version of the design, is it Nappa Valley Speack stacked on each other?
I'm about to choose your design as the winner. I need to have the design in a few different modes: Square with the tag line, Square without the tag line, Logo graphic only (no text), Rectangle with the tag line, Rectangle without tag line. And formats: jpg, pdf and vector. Is all of this doable? Thanks
well, I kinda like the dark brown the most and not really leaning on the black combo of the design, I think the dark brown compliments the lighter color best.
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I will need to use the logo in a "square" shape for Social Media avatar / profile pictures or as an Instagram post where they prefer square format.
I will be uploading the winning design here in the page and I will be needing your email so that I can send you the other request on the logo because the file that we can upload here are only limited, and by the way, what do you mean by "Square with the tag line" version of the design, is it Nappa Valley Speack stacked on each other?
kindly check entry #91, I switch the dark brown into black, and nope I did not made any tweaks you haven't mentioned.
kindly check entries #51 and #52 for the revision, feedback is very much appreciated.
kindly check entries #40 and #41
Change out the font for something more contemporary and less school like.