Okay, #38 is getting closer. So I'll walk you through your two entries that I like and tell you what I like about each. Bare with me and I'll try to clarify what I wrote previously.
#38 - I like the mountains and I feel the font is an improvement as well. Your entry #10 font and color was good and the color of the "Balloons" in entry #13 is strong enough as well. #38 is a little too light/weak. I am curious about how 2 different options on the text would look. First, I would like to see the "Balloons" not bolded and left the same as the other text and second not bolding the "Balloons" but giving it a stronger color than the other text similar to how you did it in Entry #13.
#13 - I like the gray used in this logo. It's strong and makes the logo crisp and it's simple.
So putting it all together and trying to clarify my last comment a bit as well:
1. Keep the color scheme of logo #13
2. Keep the font face of #38
3. Use the color of the "Balloons" in #13's text as the text color
4. Use the mountains from #38
5. Try one logo with 1-4 and the original balloons from #13
6. Try a different logo with 1-4 and then a modification to the balloons: I liked the 2 grays you used in #13. And, I liked how the 2 grays worked together to give #13's mountains some depth/dimension. What I would like to see is what that second gray in the balloon would look like if it were used just like it was on the mountains where you used the contrast of those 2 greys to give the mountains some dimension(let me know if non of this makes any sense, it's a bit tough to describe).
Okay I'm barely making sense to myself so I'll try to get more specific to describe this. The lead balloon is in dark gray. So looking at the top of that balloon and going from left to right it goes from dark gray to white to dark gray to white to dark gray. I was wondering what it might look like for that balloon to go from dark gray to white to the lighter gray to white to dark grey. Let me know if that makes any sense at all.
Thank You!