Hi, how are you? Thanks for all the great designs!
I love the richness of the font...in #40. Does it make sense to use one color for all three words? I think the symbol has potential and could use some work? Looks like a pinwheel!
The symbol in #31is beautiful as well. For some reason the multiple colors on the my dear children isnt working for me. I may say the same thing when it's all one color...
The richness of the font and the matching of the font with the outline of the symbols is very effective. Thank you again!
Hello there! :) First of all I'm very happy to work on your project. Hm I love making multiple figures which makes something else sometimes hidden sometimes obvious. So #40 is made by happy kids 9at the same time praying, take hands to the sky) but they are happy because of the faith (you can see the little cross in the middle). The same you can see and in #31 but with some detail (happinessand love which is more obvious because of the hearts and positions of the hands). Which is my favorite..hm I like them all :) so I show them to you (I'm very happy you like them too). 40 has more personal feeling, because of handdrawn effect which makes it more warm In my opinion. I love personal (human) feeling in the design, when you feel that that is made by human not by a machine :) So if you have any sugestions feel free to tell me :) Best regards: Liliya