Hi, I am getting great feedback on this design, just one note: the dancer's lower "foot" is not pointed, is it possible to give the dancer's foot a downward turn to imply a pointed foot? Just a nuance, but curious if that's possible. I have many elite dancers in my clientele who would notice.
Love the graduated coloring in this! I also really like how you used the dancer image faded in the background in your other designs (I think I prefer it to using the image in the name). Could you perhaps combine these ideas?
I think I really like this concept with the image in the background! If this were to be on a business card, however, I need the name to be more prominent. Can you play with that?
Also, the "PT" credentialing is a significant part of my business, is there a way to draw this out without compromising the great composition you have created?
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Sure that can be done will update shortly . Thank you!