Hi , can we work on the ring around the phone ? I like the phone but thought the blue ring was too hard and corporate, can you soften the ring , I made some suggestions in my previous message . Can you also please read my updated brief ? Slogans changed and my needs are more specific . . I don’t like this font as I said before because it looks too corporate, or maybe it’s the black? I don’t really want black in the color scheme of the font , want mystical colors like purple , see brief , and also would like to see the mystic rooms on one straight line . Really love the logo concept
So I managed to extend my competition, I love your motif!! Super cool and unique , the font is too corporate though , it needs to be more modern, and cool, some people have extended the Y tale, others joined the o’s or put a play button in one of the O’s , or just some type of accent symbol. Can we work on the font . Also the ring around the phone, l like the idea , but it has a corporate element Perhaps more of glow effect or softer ring , I have updated my brief and slogan , please view my brief again , as I would love to see your updated submissions, based on this concept x
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