My VP likes your design #124.
I the Pres. have seen you work... I know that you have a gift. I'd like to see it...
Premier Health - wonderfully executed, vivid colors, great blend of the two. 3D look. I like...
Adobe Capital - clean
Snadall - I pay attention to detail. This is wonderfully done...
03Office - Very nice
Optel Net - I love the attention to detail! It's one word but is broken down through imagery! Perfect
Green Room - Simple, Clean, subtle. Perfect.
MySelfWorth - didn't happen...
Hello Peter!
My focus is more on a 3D Text/watermark than a logo/watermark (but the logo is extremely important as far as imagery goes if one is considered in being created). The design chosen will be on our Masthead and carries the MySelfWorth Brand.
I'm looking specifically for "MY" and "SELFWORTH" (preferably capital letters) to be an attention grabber. Something clean, simple, sleek, and to the point. I'm seriously creating a site that is extraordinary.
I'm a bootstrapping entrepreneur who comes from poverty with an extraordinary idea. African Proverb: It takes a village to raise a child. That is the exact premise of MySelfWorth. We provide all of the resources needed for a student to transition into a professional. But students need established professionals for guidance and growth, so we're catering to a wide age group. MySelfWorth is a lot more than what it seems... imagine a platform that truly helped in our advancements.
MySelfWorth is completely about Business Etiquette, Business Skill Sets, Life Planning resources, Business Networking, etc! Marketing yourself, displaying your personal Brand, and showing potential employers that you are qualified for a job/career. This premise is dire of the design.
I hope this helps. Don't forget to read the brief, very important details in there. Thank you!
I am the Founder and Creator of MySelfWorth,
P.S. If you do focus on a 3D logo watermark, please focus on the transition from student to professional, the journey, or something of the sort. I don't really want to display a graduation cap because the site is for individuals who may not have a graduation, I want everyone to feel included.