I really like entry #35!!!
The orange color you have chosen in #5 is probably the most like of mine...
The font: Looking for all capital letters or word play with MySELFWORTH, not sure. But definely a more serious font feel. Possibly a times/roman, but it's so over used, so I'd like a better variation of it.
Do not separate the "SELFWORTH" color as to we are trying to focus on the phrase itself to our users and potential users. Even though it is not actually a word, we are creating a sort of "self actualization" which reaches out to individuals who will want to join the site.
I made a new brief if you'd like to read it.
Don't forget this is a business site...
It looks at though you may have used a circular gradient for each word in "MYSELFWORTH"... that is not what we are looking for. We are looking for a possible subtle gradient over the whole name or just the "SELFWORTH" to show envoke more emotion to the viewer. Don't forget we are also looking for color gradients. Subtle is good.
We are looking for a rich color look. Kind of like when you are at a fruit market and a you see an unbelievable piece of fruit because of it's rich color and appeal. :-)
Thanks :-)