I prefer the font used in #27 but I prefer the color scheme of #4. Can you try to make the .com appear larger... perhaps placing it under the word thirds using the thicker font. Thanks so much for your efforts here.
sorry #4 withdrew his entry, could you tell me or show me a sample of the color to make those changes ASAP and try to get a better rank :D thanks so much :D
Any color that might compliment the blue will work for me but I think swapping color is a simpler fix than finding that right configuration of letters. I'm still trying to nail down the font. I like what you're doing. Is it possible to see a variation of capitals and lower case in either #61 and/or #62?
Any color that might compliment the blue will work for me but I think swapping color is a simpler fix than finding that right configuration of letters. I'm still trying to nail down the font. I like what you're doing. Is it possible to see a variation of capitals and lower case in either #61 and/or #62?
Of course, let me do some changes in the font about lower and upper case and i submit ASAP to try to fill your expectation, thanks so much for the feedback :)
thank you very much to you. has been a rewarding experience. I hope we can maintain constant communication during the competition. if there is any change or improvement you want to do the design let me know. to make it and ensure your entire satisfaction. thanks. Greetings