hi revo! love the logos. the leaves/leaf graphic are throwing us off slightly. could you think of something to go in it's place other than the leaves? we like the digital imagery created by the wifi symbol.
we love the ideas, keep them coming if you have more. also, can you please fix the tag line to say "Share your legacy to embrace generations to come." thx so much revo!!
I had this same issue in the first competition. Here is the problem that I have and do not know how to fully say this without stepping on peoples toes. We like a combination of the two designs that are ranked one and two.
1) We like the font, color and over all text of the 1st ranked design (entry #36) - We would like to extend the "L" upwards just a bit to even more distinguish it from the "My"
2) We like the idea of the little guy holding up his hands with the time theme in logo ranked two (entry 48)
What we would like to do is use the image of the little guy holding up his hands with the time theme to take the place of of the hands holding the WiFi in entry #36
Can we combine the two ideas into one without upsetting the two designers? The last time this happened the two designers split the fee. If we can do this again here, I'll add another $50.00 to the total prize.
Hi dear CH i can accept splitting the prize just if i get the winning gold because i worked and arrived first and before the other designer, also the icon as you putted is the same way as my original idea is right now, thanks for the extra $50 to make a total of $350.
Dear CH you have to send a message to LT administrators about rising up the prize, i am willing to share the prize but i want my gold and submit the final version for you, the treatment i did to the name can not be done by the other designer it has a number of details the original font do not have anymore.
I already sent a message to administrators about this matter, that i am aware about your idea of splitting the prize and i can defend my typography treatment, by now i had to begin the LC to protect my work you are asking for teaks to the other design after the contest ends this leads me to think you don't want to work with me.
OK, you have your gold if that is the only way you'll do this. See if you can get the graphic from GoodGuyDesign so we can get this finished. It still needs some tweaking though after the contest ends.
No problem dear CH, i already sent a message to the other designer, probably this will get set up till tomorrow to make legal and official this agreement, also rising the prize idea must be checked by them to take effect, thanks a lot for your understanding, i have the belief is fair i get the gold due i spent more time working with you also my previews concepts are very much similar to the one good guy submitted about the abstract human figure rising the arms, all he did is making one related to time instead of wifi.
I have the icon ready from designer GoodGuy, in any moment will upload the Logo all together both versions with slogan and the shadow above, thanks for your patience.
I think we are almost done. Can you add the little white space between the text and the graphic like you did in the original graphic so we can see what that would look like? I don't know if it will look good or not but we just want to see. Awesome job! See link below.
Yes dear CH you have to wait administrators to raise the funds, i sent them a message about it, please do the same ask Ivan or Tyler to add those $50, is great you are satisfied about the logo, please be patient about the funds they probably can do it today.
I just paid $50.00 via Pay pal to your account. However, when I click the "Select a Winner" it says Prize amount: $300.00. On the contest brief it says the prize is $255.00. The additional $50.00 funds to logo tournament have not been charged to my credit card. Do you know whats going on?
Mmmm i believe LT made some changes about it yesterday, but those $255 refers to the amount we designers really get at the end when they take their 15% comission, this means we don't really get the $350 complete so when you $255 is the final amount we really get from the original $300, i hope i made myself clear, please it would be better if you get answers from admins.